Gift Cards

Gift Cards

Always a welcome surprise!


Redeem your gift card online or in-store.


A Lush gift card never expires.


Include a personal message before you send!

Not ready to recycle it? Reuse it!
Reload now

Not ready to recycle it? Reuse it!

Reload your gift card and use it again and again.

Gift Card FAQs

It may take up to 1 hour for your gift card to be activated. You will receive an email when the activation is complete, so please be sure to check your spam folder.

Ground $4.00 - 5 - 12 Business Days

Air $8.00 - 4 - 7 Business Days

During the busy holiday period, orders may be delayed by 2-5 days.

Pre-Holiday Order Deadlines: December 13th for standard delivery within Canada & United States or international delivery. December 19th for expedited delivery within Canada & United States.

Yes, you can! Our systems will automatically calculate the exchange rate.